GESTURES Journey Guide - La Jolla, CA

One word for La Jolla, CA would be "Unexpected". The reason being because I wasn't expecting the area to be anything like what I was lucky enough to experience. Yes, I wasn't expecting the unexpected. I've heard the city of La Jolla is a beautiful and nice area with fancy homes and retirees. But honestly, that doesn't describe the real parts of La Jolla.  It was literally mind blowing and jaw dropping. There were times where it felt I was on another planet. It wasn't Earth anymore. I'm talking about the planet Naboo from Star Wars! Thanks to Gestures Camera, I was able to capture some breath taking photos at this fantasy / scifi related area.  


I began my journey by hitting it off to WindanSea Beach, which is known for its' appearance in every surfer's movie "Endless Summer". This is a great place for photo shoots, surfing and relaxing. But that's just the top layer of the cake! When you really get down to exploring this beach, with its caves, small water pools, smooth rocks and its' sea life, that's where the center goodness is! The warm and wet sand is soft like a cloud. The cool, not freezing, clear water crashes its refreshing self against the smooth rocks and boulders across the beach. Going through the experience of this "out of this world" beach was truly an eye opener. An eye opener because some people go great lengths to travel to a designated area to find something exciting or exotic when really these places could be right in our backyards.


If you're ever in Southern California, I highly recommend visiting La Jolla, CA. You won't regret it. Venturing off to Children’s Pool and Scripps Pier is just beyond amazing. You'll feel like you're in another world. This is NOT any ordinary beach. This is something you don't  want to miss. This is a place that you will not forget. This is your Gestures Guide, bringing you endless guides you can journey to.
