Youtube Keywords

That last video I posted received about 70 views in a day with a couple of likes. It's not much, but that's a drastic improvement from my initial video that received no response on Facebook.

I guess using keywords like iOS and Android did help the video to rank higher in the search results.

This is it...

I decided to give it one last push. 

I've put together another video that shows more use cases, such as simplified keyboard, messages, call, camera, and gallery apps.

I put it on Youtube with a title, "iOS 7, Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie, or Something Else?"

Give me a break...

So I shared my concept design animation on Facebook, and I got 3 likes and 4 shares.

Screen Shot 2013-10-28 at 4.26.32 PM.png

I was like, "hmmm maybe I should share it again later just in case some of my friends missed it." So I shared it again later in the day and got 2 shares.

Screen Shot 2013-10-28 at 4.27.22 PM.png

Then I was like, "Maybe I'll give one more try..." 

Screen Shot 2013-10-28 at 4.27.30 PM.png

Then I was like, "Well... might as well share it one more time." 

Screen Shot 2013-10-28 at 4.27.43 PM.png

0 response... 

I didn't start doing this for money. I just wanted to prove that my idea of creating a digital space beyond the limitations of traditional grid or list views was not a stupid idea. I wanted to prove that there is a potential.

But I'm not getting any positive responses from people. And I've spent so many nights alone at the office away from my family. This is starting to be too much...

Going all out!!!

I figured that I didn't get the traction I was hoping for on my concept because I didn't have any details to go with it, so I've decided to go all out this time.

I named the project, "Morning Dew - The Next Mobile Experience," and created a whole page dedicated to the concept on my portfolio site:

And even made animation of the home screen concept:

Let's see if this gets anyone's attention this time!!!

April Fools'

I finally put something together just in time to release my concept design as a next iPhone concept on April Fools' day. If it spreads and gets picked up by Mashable or Reddit, that would be awesome.


Big mess

Well... so I went and got myself a pretty sketchbook to draw some pretty wireframes and write down neat little notes on the side to record my brilliance with a glass of whiskey at a bar.

I wrote down a lot of shit and I felt really smart... until I woke up next morning and tried to read my notes.

Let's hope that it sucked only because my handwriting sucked...


It didn't sit right with me that my idea got killed just because Apple or Google didn't support such conventions.

It felt just like that one time when my professor told me my portfolio sucked. That night, I went to TGI Fridays, got drunk, and went to a movie theater to watch Nanny McPhee (that was the only movie available at the time)... and then I went on to work for big agencies and won big accounts like BudLight, Nokia, and

So I decided to do the same –  get drunk and come up with a way to do cool shit.

Stupid question

It's been weeks... and we are still looking at the same old boxes... I got so tired of looking at them, so I finally asked a "stupid question."

"What if the content doesn't have to fit inside the device screen?"

Everyone turned around and gave me a puzzled look... but I continued: 

"What if all the promos on the home screen are not in a grid view, but some sort of fluid structure where you can zoom in and out to see all of them at once or focus on one of them for details?"

The room was dead quite... and someone finally broke the silence with a question: 

"I don't think that's supported by Android or iOS user interface guidelines." 

Well, it sure wasn't.

Everyone turned back around to stare at their boxes some more, and I just went on to my dream world in my head where all the boxes just dropped dead. 

Boxes, boxes, boxes

I'm tired of looking at these boxes drawn on the board.

I've been sitting here in a tiny meeting room with 4 other guys to figure out a way to reinvent this shopping app for a major U.S. retailer. But all we have is bunch of boxes drawn inside boxes on the board, and we are just shuffling them around...