
Life Lesson Vol. 2

Life Lesson - Prepare

Like anything, perfection requires preparation and more often than not practice too. If you really think about it, nearly everything we do involves some sort of preparation, from heading to work, to having a child, to writing this very blog. What I’ve come to learn is that it’s just as important to prepare for failures as it is to prepare for successes. But failures shouldn’t have this bad aura associated with them especially when it comes to business because sometimes we actually need them in order to reach those successes that we strive so hard for.

If you’re prepared and steadfast, a failure is simply just a diversion and another route to reach success. Unfortunately, sometimes we take failure and let it beat us down, eventually encouraging us to rethink or give up on our goals. My request to you is that you do the exact opposite, take failure with a grain of salt and use it as a motivator to push you harder towards your dream. Learning from these failures means you’re doing one thing – Preparing, and that in turn will help you avoid taking those same steps that diverted you off course.

Make it a habit to prepare for anything you start, and then, when the time comes that something drastic is inevitable, you’ll know exactly how to react.  Of course there are those situations that you just inevitably can’t prepare for and that’s something everyone will deal with. What you can prepare for, however, is what to do next. It’s no secret life throws curveballs at us – generally shocking or even pissing us off, so know you’re not alone. A little guidance can go a long way.

I’ll be honest; preparing doesn’t come natural to me. It’s probably because I’m fairly disorganized and forgetful, not to mention at times a procrastinator, so believe me when I say it’s beneficial. It’s possible that some people think if you prepare for the worst then you already doubt yourself. That to me couldn’t be any more incorrect. The truth is, preparing for the worst means you’re intelligent enough to realize mistakes happen, and that you’re well aware success depends on unpredicted misfortunes.